Our Story
Inclusive. Scrappy. Experience Driven.
Our Mission at Foolish Production Co. is to celebrate, enhance, and challenge our understanding of self and others through affordable, communal, and innovative experiences of theatre and film.
What We Offer
Foolish Production Co strives to offer inclusive and accessible programming for everyone.
Our theatrical division produces work that ranges from pop-up hour long Shakespeare in breweries or hotels to larger productions in more traditional venues.
Our film division looks to offer free or low cost films/live streams made available on easy accessed platforms.
Our educational division offers affordable classes/workshops so the both the fresh and experienced artist can continue their development without breaking the bank.
Our outreach division looks to partner with community organizations through the donations of funds, goods, or time.
At our core we value 5 pillars- Community, Consent, Consciousness, Creativity, and Collaboration. At its basis, story- telling, no matter the medium, is a means in which we can connect the past, present, and future. We believe in innovative collaborations that challenge our perception of the world; that every person is strengthened by the artistic expression of individual and collective experience; and that the creation of inclusive and accessible art is essential to a just, tolerant, and equitable society.
Co-Artistic Director Mikey Mulhearn in rehearsal for Macbeth on the Deck (2018)
We began as one night experiment (Shakespeare on the Deck) on a sundeck of a hotel, created by a group of artists that wanted to challenge the norms of modern theatrical practice. A practice that overproduces a story, charges a high price, isolates an audience, and is dominated by the white/cis/male. Since that successful night, we have evolved into a 501(c)(3) pushing the boundaries of what art for the everyday person can be.
At Foolish we are committed to truthful, fun, and simplistic storytelling that reconnects audience and actor. We don’t believe that Shakespeare, or any performance for that matter, is for the elite nor that it should bore you. If it does, then we aren’t doing our job. Through the revisitation of original practices such as communal lighting, nontraditional seating, conscious casting, minimal production elements, and a focus on language- we hope to bridge the divide between audience and actor to revel in our shared humanity once again.
Foolish seeks to be the leading underground theatrical community in Los Angeles where artists come to grow and audiences come to experience.