The Fairy Show
“I had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was…”
Welcome to the discotheque outside Athens. Here fairies reign, lovers run away from their parents, and a troupe of oddballs rehearse a play. Told from the Fairies perspective, this immersive take on Midsummer pays homage to our past and introduces our future.
We encourage you to come early and explore every nook and cranny of what we have to offer. With food and drink available your experience starts as soon as you walk through the door.
Part of our 5th Anniversary Celebration
Written by William Shakespeare
Rescripted by Mikey Mulhearn
Directed by Lindsay Mayberry and Mikey Mulhearn
1 hour with no intermission
*Please note this production simulates intense drug use and utilizes strobing lights*
Join the conversation with #TheFairyShow #TheFutureIsFoolish
Part of the 5th Anniversary Celebration
Graphic by Kyle T Hester
LIBBY WAHLMEIER she/they (Oberon)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Twelfth Night, “Olivia;” Titus Andronicus (2021), “Titus Andronicus;” Measure For Measure (Virtual/2020/2023), “Lucio and Others;” A Midsummer Night's Dream (2019), “Oberon/Hippolyta;” Romeo and Juliet, "Juliet;" Macbeth, “Malcolm;” A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2018), “Demetrius.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: Neon Apocalypse, "God" (Polite Cussing); What the Frack! "Eileen" (Citizen's Change Theater); Spike Heels, "Lydia" (CP Theater).
TRAINING INCLUDES: B.A. Theater Arts (California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo); Conservatory Graduate (Second City, Hollywood).
NICK MOLARI he/him (Bottom)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Twelfth Night, “Malvolio;” Measure For Measure (Virtual/2020/2023), “Claudio and Others;” Titus Andronicus, “Bassianus and Others.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: ARCANE (Secret Cinema/Riot Gaming), Love Among the Ruins (Laguna Playhouse), Closely Related Keys (ICT Long Beach), Bash (3 Seat Productions); Secret in the Wings (Coeurage); Reasons to be Pretty/Reasons to Be Happy, "Greg" (The Collective Studio); Lear (Theatricum Botanicum); Merlin, "King Timor" (Theatricum Botanicum); A Midsummer Night's Dream, "Lysander/Demetrius" (Theatricum Botanicum); Ruddigore, "Ruthven Murgatroyd" (Sierra Madre Playhouse).
TELEVISION/FILM INCLUDES: The Nowhere Inn (IFC films); Ranchlands (; Journey to Royal (Misty Falls Motion Picture); Murder Book (Investigation Discovery); It's Not Just About A Film; Last Day of November; Rosso.
TRAINING INCLUDES: B.A. Acting, ('11, UCLA, School of Theater, Film and Television), The BGB Studio, James Eckhouse
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Twelfth Night, “Orsino;” Measure For Measure (Virtual/2020/2023), “Isabella and Others;” A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2018/2019), “Puck;” Macbeth, “Weird Sister/Murderer.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: A David Lynch Christmas Carol, “Belle” (Defiance Theatre Company); Rocky Horror Burlesque Show, “Janet” (Whitmore-Lindley Theatre); The Love of the Nightingale, “Philomele” (Elizabeth Swain/AMDA); An Evening of Shakespeare, “Various Featured” (Elizabeth Swain/AMDA); Grease, “Jan” (Mount Shasta Repertory Theatre); Sound of Music, “Louisa” (Mount Shasta Repertory Theatre).
TELEVISION/FILM INCLUDES: “Killer Kids” (Lifetime Movie Network); “Girlfriend Uncovered” (Visual Fire Productions); “Things Not to Say at a Holiday Party” (The Social Renaissance Project); “Couples Monopoly” (Kid Cactus Comedy).
TRAINING INCLUDES: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre (American Musical and Dramatic Academy).
MIKEY MULHEARN he/him (Titania)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Angels In America, “Prior;” Measure For Measure (Virtual/ 2020/2023), “Angelo and Others;” A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Helenus” (2019).
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (House of Bards); Some F*cking Advice, “Ensemble” (Second City LA); Just Being Honest, “Ensemble” (Second City Chicago); Measure For Measure, “Abhorson” (Trashcan Shakespeare); The Merry Wives Of Windsor, “Slender” (First Folio Theatre); Much Ado About Nothing, “Claudio” (Globe Ed.); Clara And The Nutcracker, “Brother/Cheddar” (Piccolo Theatre); Tapped: A New Musical, “Ensemble” (Theatre Wit); How Can You Run With A Shell On Your Back, “Howie” (JPAC); Flat Stanley, “Stanley” (Northbrook TYA).
TELEVISION/FILM INCLUDES: Envelope: The Death of Soap Star Sheila Cole-Colby; Life Sucks; An Adventure Through Bowling And Time Travel; XYXY; Stalked; Bruno (Documentary); BuzzKill (Webseries); Two Singles (Webseries).
TRANING INCLUDES: Millikin University (BFA Acting); The Second City Musical Improv Conservatory (Chicago); Shakespeare’s Globe (London); Susan Hart and Jeffrey Carlson (First Folio); Margolis Center (Margolis Method); Margie Haber Studio.
KATHERINE LANDRETH she/her (Flute/Fairy)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Twelfth Night, “Viola;” Measure For Measure (Virtual/2020/2023), “Provost and Others;” A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Snout/Starveling” (2018/2019); Macbeth, “Macduff;” Romeo and Juliet, “Tybalt/Apothecary.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: Twelfth Night, “Valentine” (Shakespeare Santa Monica); Taming of the Shrew, “Grumio” (Shakespeare Santa Monica); Orange Is The New Musical, “Original Cast” (LATC).
DANCE INCLUDES: The Nutcracker, “Gingersnap” (Oakland Ballet Company); The Nutcracker, “Mouse King/Rose Princess/Spanish Chocolate/Arabian Coffee” (Ballet Petit).
TRAINING INCLUDES: Anthony Meindel Acting Workshop; Shakespeare Santa Monica Training Program; BA in Theatre Arts, Minor in Vocal Music from CSU Long Beach.
JAHEL CALDERA he/him (Puck)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Angels In America: Millennium Approaches/Perestroika, “Angel/Others;” Titus Andronicus (2019/2021), “Aaron.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: The Inheritance (Geffen Playhouse); As Is (Harold Clurman Lab Theater); Macbeth (Curtis Krick Prod); Delusion: His Crimson Queen (Haunted Play).
TELEVISION/FILM INCLUDES: “Aliens, Clowns & Geeks” (Elfmaniac Media); Better Off Zed” (Butcher Bird Studios); “Milagros de Navidad” (Univision).
LINDSAY MAYBERRY she/her (Helena)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Twelfth Night, “Maria.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: Only Remains, Remains (MOMA PS1); A Space For My Blackness and Yours (New York Neofuturists); Two Gentlemen of Verona (Monsterpiece Theatre Co.); A Midsummernight’s Dream “Bottom”(Berridge Programs); The Winter’s Tale (Stella Adler Studio).
TRAINING INCLUDES: Tisch School of the Arts (BFA); Stella Adler Studio of Acting (New York University); Stonestreet Studios (New York University); Berridge Programs (France); and BCBG Studios (Los Angeles)
KOLTON KOLBABA they/them (Quince/FirstFairy/Mustardseed)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Tuesday Night, 3:30 AM, “A.”
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: Romeo & Juliet (The Vagrancy), Angels in America: Millennium Approaches (Art of Acting Studio LA), Search and Destroy (Art of Acting Studio LA), Godspell (Simi Valley Cultural ARTS Center)
TRAINING INCLUDES: Stella Adler: The Art of Acting Studio (two year professional conservatory program), Cornish College of the Arts
IG: @koltonkolbaba
DANE LARSEN he/him (Demetrius)
FOR FOOLISH PRODUCTION CO: Tuesday Night, 3:30 AM, “E";” Angels In America: Millennium Approaches and Perestroika, "Joe Pitt."
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Demetrius” (House of Bards); A View From The Bridge, “Marco” (Luther Burbank Center); The Every 28 Hours Plays, “Various” (Stanford Arts Program).
TELEVISION/FILM INCLUDES: “The Martial Artist” (Odysseys Entertainment); “Ballbuster” (Make the Movie); “You Can’t Say No” (Half Moon Films); “Love Kills” (Discovery ID).
TRAINING INCLUDES: American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco (Studio A.C.T.); Margie Haber Studio; UCB (Los Angeles); Caryn’s Space For Actors.
AMANDA CHARNEY she/her (Hermia)
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (House of Bards); Weed Shop the Musical (Art Time Presents); Casualties of Love (The Rockwell Table & Stage), The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Domino One); Ongoing Vocalist with Jingle 5, The Harmony Dolls
TELEVISION/FILM INCLUDES: “Escape the Room” (Sandwich Prod.);
TRAINING INCLUDES: BA Dramatic Arts (USC) @theamandacharney
AVERY LYNCH she/they (Lysandra)
OTHER THEATRE INCLUDES: As Is (Harold Clurman Lab); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (House of Bards), The Wolves (On the Verge), Dance Nation (On the Verge), Playboy of the Western World (On the Verge), Everybody (Ithaca College), Revolt. She said. Revolt Again. (Ithaca College) The Bald Soprano (Ithaca College).
TRAINING INCLUDES: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting (Ithaca College)
Playwright William Shakespeare
Director/Resciptor Mikey Mulhearn*
Director Lindsay Mayberry*
Costume Consultant Kat Landreth*
*denotes company member
If you’d to help support the work we do here at Foolish please consider making a contribution today.
Broadway World Regional Awards
We’ve been nominated for 10 Braodway World Regional Awards!
Best Play: Measure For Measure
Best Ensemble: Measure For Measure and The Fairy Show
Best Performer in a Play: Libby Walhmeier and Sarah Hinchcliff
Best Direction of a Play: Mikey Mulhearn/Measure For Measure and Twelfth Night
Best Lighting Design of a Play or Musical: Jesse Fiene/Measure For Measure
Best Costume Design of a Play of Musical: Katherine Landreth/Measure For Measure
Best Special Event: The Fairy Show
Inclusive. Revelatory. Experience Driven.
Our Mission at Foolish Production Co. is to celebrate, enhance, and challenge our understanding of self and others through affordable, communal, and innovative experiences of theatre and film. We want to be the leading underground theatre company (the cool kids)- where artists come to develop and you come to share in some really incredible theatrical experiences.